Thread for new members' introductions.
You can tell something about yourself, how you found us, what kind of music do you like, your instruments and other good things

Actually we all are new here, so welcome all

I'm 21 old guy. I am into rock, alternative, classical and scores (movies themes, music).
Hello! I'm rattikettu, I'm 21 years old. I like technical deathmetal, melodic blackmetal and everything in between. I desing stylesheets as a hobby, and play guitar aswell.
Hey all,
22m. I'm a music enthusiast, tech enthusiast, and someone who is emerging from the brainwashing of religious upbringing. Really excited to be here, and looking forward to getting to know others!
Hi I'm Brian, I'm 18, and I'm going to start college for Game Design and Development in the fall.
jayp12323, 20 (almost 21), USA, and I go to college for electrical engineering
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Hey I am Peter from Hungary. Just call me Addae. I am 20, electronic music producer since 2008. Mostly make minimalistic stuff but I started with original dubstep, not what they call nowdays...it is a crap. I also love psychedelic things. I made an album for 2 years. It does not have a style, but I call it simply Tribe. It is the mixture of electronic sounds and pure drums and wooden instruments. I think thosw who will introduce theirselfs, should talk about why are they listening that music. Try to go really deep inside yourself, this is where real informations come from.
Monkeymook. I'm 22; a college dropout, I have just started (over the past year) writing chiptune on a few Game Boys, and partially studying hardware engineering and computer science. I'm starting to write on other consoles, such as the C64, Atari STFM/2600, and the NES.
I'm not really comfortable releasing anything I've done, because I think it all sucks, and I'm never happy with my work. Not like, 'I'm always trying to improve my work' dissatisfaction, but I think a gentleman from 8bc.org named 'kulor' said it best:
kulor wrote:
I hate my own music because I wrote it, and because I wrote it I automatically tune in on the things that suck about a piece and ignore all the things that I might've done well. Pretty simple, really. On top of that, when I think up an idea for a piece, I know exactly where the idea came from and what sort of thinking lead me to that idea, and I can usually trace it back to a specific song source, which automatically makes me think everything I do is horribly unoriginal on some kind of subconscious level.
It's what I call 'artist's syndrome' and I think everybody who does music for too long gets it.
It's what I call 'artist's syndrome' and I think everybody who does music for too long gets it.
Hi i'm data.hypercomplex from Belgium. I'm 29 y/o and i'm running a music blog that supports the independent artists/bands. That means I only post free things/name your price things on my blog or things I received from bands/artists.
To be honest in the beginning I posted things I liked but I switched that and now I only post things that I mentioned above.
Hey, my name is Andrew and I live in the USA. I'm 23 and I'm about to graduate with a Bachelors in Business Administration. Some musical genres I enjoy include Psychedelic, Progressive, Indie and Classic Rock, Reggae, Electronic (psytrance, dubstep, DnB, chillout, 8bit), Rap, Hip-hop, Bluegrass, Thrash and Stoner Metal, and Eclectic/World music. I currently only have some hand drums but I would like to start making music using a keyboard and Reason. My other interests include camping, hiking, snowboarding, and video games. I am currently addicted to the independent game Minecraft.
Hello. I, galgadon, am 24 and live in the USA. I enjoy lots of music: my favorite artists range from minimalist slowcore to brutal death metal, but I especially like music that is technical/mathy. I play guitar, and I'll be uploading my band's music here pretty soon.
I really like the idea for this site, and I hope it takes off. Looking forward to becoming an active member.
Hi.. i m lossless.. i am a medical student ...n uploader at few good lossless trackers... ..its a pleasure meeting u all
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Hi from Poland!
I'm glad to be here and I hope I wll find here lot of reggae, ska, Oi! and dubstep
Hi from Italy! i'm a 21 years-old student of computer engineering!

Well hello...!
I'm the danish fucker..! a few know me even more dont and never will..!
Hey all, My names K3V, Im 28 from the sunny Isle of Wight, UK.
Here to represent MC Skatty and share his work with the world.
polcan wrote:
vDubG wrote:
18-21 only.
\o/ 23 from the US here
too old for our club.18-21 only.
Guess that means I'm out as well.