Hidden (dbe7059c)  

Hey guys,I'm 29 y/o
Glad to be here.
The site looks awesome!

Panda's Avatar

Welcome to new members  :-)

Hidden (f3f5b127)  

Hello! I'am Brasileiro and no speak english. Então vou falar em português sempre.

Hidden (39a2e8ad)  

jogadores2001 wrote:
Hello! I'am Brasileiro and no speak english. Então vou falar em português sempre.

Learn English, mate.  😉


Hidden (02a18c80)  

Khaled From cairo/egypt

Hidden (39a2e8ad)  

3ntar wrote:
Khaled From cairo/egypt

Welcome!  😉

Hidden (11af76ef)  

:wave: Good morning!

reb83 alias Michel. I'm french and lives in Belgium
Lovers of all style of music I hope to share my tastes and my knowledge here and making discoveries among you.

Greetings to you

Hidden (39a2e8ad)  

reb83 wrote:
:wave: Good morning!

reb83 alias Michel. I'm french and lives in Belgium
Lovers of all style of music I hope to share my tastes and my knowledge here and making discoveries among you.

Greetings to you


Hidden (7bae1a8d)  

Viorel Puia from Romania and I am glad to join your team
I hope you feel good together
Sincerely viorelpuia

Hidden (39a2e8ad)  

viorelpuia wrote:
Viorel Puia from Romania and I am glad to join your team
I hope you feel good together
Sincerely viorelpuia

Welcome!  :-)

Hidden (96fd720d)  


Been a member now for a bit but never introduced myself.  Love the idea of the site and being such a music fan the idea that if not for this site I might never hear some of this music (or my friends and others) is awesome.  


Hidden (39a2e8ad)  

I like your uploads, Hex.

Cheers!  :-)

Hidden (c9c014dd)  

Hi love music :-)

Hidden (0b6b336d)  

hallo evreydoy. I'm new

Hidden (728b77b5)  

Hey guys, im adct or `adct. I'm 23 and i love music like everyone else here.

Hidden (beb7aa16)  


Hidden (e40c0097)  

You guys  dont have a large selection at all do yall... Ill do my best to contribute but there needs to be more activity like on what.cd

Hidden (5063094f)  

Fitingsthdown wrote:
You guys  dont have a large selection at all do yall... Ill do my best to contribute but there needs to be more activity like on what.cd

It's quiet but there's hidden gems all over.

Hidden (0f228329)  

Hey all, found this site by googling "free torrent". Really like the music so far!

Hidden (ea2bebee)  

Hello from New Zealand, I am a music and movie fanatic, I am looking forward to sharing the best New Zealand has to offer the music industry.

Hidden (4da8ad37)  

Hi, I'm 14 and love music! Especially free awesome music!

Hidden (a57c6167)  

Hi i'm BachelleMichelet from Chile. 21 musicology and composition student. Nice site... gonna seed everything i download 😁

Hidden (1f817c60)  

hai my name akbar from Indonesia 21 year old, nice to meet you  :-)

Hidden (ac84db15)  

Hi, I'm 18, I study the piano (classical). I'm really interested in free licenses for music, I hope to make some discoveries here.

Hidden (0ddcee4c)  

Hi everyone! *waves* I have had a lifelong interest in music, and I'm hoping to meet like-minded folks here.

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