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Hello, folks.
So, I have one problem. I think you can help me.
Windows. I use it because:
- videoediting: I like to edit videos in Sony Vegas, AAE e t.c;
- education: in our university it's important to work with programs for text correcton in Windows NT systems;
- I'm scary: I've never used .nix systems before.
Nowadays I use netbook (Acer AOD257) and (I'm not so crazy) I forget about motion desigh. I wait Alienware's mini PC in Russia.
One boy told me that Windows 7 iz da best for Acer.
He's liar.
It works awfull and Aceer AOD doesn't have drivers for WinXP. So, I decided to try Ubuntu or smth like this. We all like CC and free legal music. And free legal Linux too, huh?

Can you reccomend me a good system for this netbook? And what's about programs for music? For example, does Ubuntu have good alternatives for JetAudio and TagScanner?
So, I wait your replies. Let's strat!

How about LibreOffice?Quote:
scary: I've never used .nix systems before.
Ubuntu is very easy to install and user friendly. Give the new 12.04 live cd a try to see what you think.Quote:
videoediting: I like to edit videos in Sony Vegas, AAE e t.c;
Not sure on this one, but perhaps someone else can suggest an alternative. Quote:
And what's about programs for music? For example, does Ubuntu have good alternatives for JetAudio and TagScanner?
I've been happy with Rhythmbox and EasyTag.
Panda, I installed "Ubuntu Studio". Excellent!
About LibreOffice: I used it on Windows too, but I still use MS Office from Wine. Unfortunately, It's very important. Book publishers doesn't like LibreOffice format.
About editing: so, as I wrote, nowadays I don't make any special videos. It's only netbook in my hands, hehe. But I gonna try OpenShot & Kino.

About music: In my opinion, Audacious (check it out from repository) works better and faster. EasyTag is nice, took it, big thanks.

By the way, what's about P2P? Is standard software good for it or smth like qBittorrent is better?

qBittorrent, Deluge and Transmission are all good choices. Personally I prefer Transmission for the minimal UI.
OK, thanks for free advise.

Hey, Ubuntu Studio has Hydrogen (drum-machine). Wait my album, dears!

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