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Hidden (02282e82)  
1dB's avatar

I have recuring problem with the reply box. When I type, characters are only displayed at a rate of about one per second or two. It has so far taken me 8 minutes to type these sentences...

This is the only site I have this issue on. I'm using WinXP and Firefox 3.6.

Hidden (d2eade7e)  
Monkeymook's avatar

This is related to the reply box, but not to the lag. When previewing a post, and the going back to the Editor option, sometimes only half the box is down, and there is no taskbar available to scroll through the text you are trying to post i you need to edit it.

Panda's avatar

I made some changes. Do either of these problems still occur?

Hidden (02282e82)  
1dB's avatar

typing just now and theres still lag. Though now it pauses as if firefox is going to crash then displays several words at once, instead of one character at a time. It's definately improved but still very off-putting.

Hidden (bbb7cdd3)  
galgadon's avatar

1dB wrote:
typing just now and theres still lag. Though now it pauses as if firefox is going to crash then displays several words at once, instead of one character at a time.

I'm having this same problem with Chromium, but only about 75% of the time.

Hidden (d2eade7e)  
Monkeymook's avatar

The issues still crop up from time to time.

Panda's avatar

This should now be resolved.

Hidden (d2eade7e)  
Monkeymook's avatar

It works perfectly.

Thanks, Panda.

Last edited by Hidden (d2eade7e)

Hidden (02282e82)  
1dB's avatar

The issue seems to be resolved for me too. Thanks Panda.

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