Which Music Player do you use ?

Foobar (29 votes)

Winamp (9 votes)

Windows Media Player (4 votes)

iTunes (7 votes)

Rhythmbox (1 vote)

Banshee (1 vote)

Other (10 votes)

User Votes: 61
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Keriousgoal's avatar



Windows Media Player





Panda edit: Added some more options

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It's all about that little foobar2000. Best thing I've ever used—for music, that is. 😛

Panda's avatar


Hidden (abf3ff48)  
Keriousgoal's avatar

Panda wrote:

never heard that ☹️

Hidden (176ab40f)  
addikt1ve's avatar

mpd here.

Hidden (a75cb8f9)  
Andrei's avatar

AIMP FTW!!! :yes:

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KiLL3R's avatar

I'm using Foobar

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buschwusch's avatar

i almost exclusively use spotify on my macbook and on my nexus one.

Hidden (9ed28ff4)  
dimmu676's avatar

i'm using Winamp

Hidden (887dfb31)  
johnnyFive's avatar

Foobar2000 for me \o/ Though I did use Winamp quite a bit in the past

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rattikettu's avatar

Banshee on Linux. WMP on Windows

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polcan's avatar


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Skittles's avatar


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notepadfan's avatar

iTunes, however I've been contemplating switching to foobar.

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AddaeDans's avatar

Foobar rules

Hidden (9f3f7f57)  
1dB's avatar

Foobar generally. Winamp when I want a pretty visualizer (Milkdrop).

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keepitreal's avatar

Banshee or vlc

Hidden (8a0cbe83)  
blu3's avatar

Winamp 🙂

Hidden (2f513152)  
Monkeymook's avatar


Really depends on what I'm listening to, and how I want it to sound, or what format it's in. XMPlay and Jam 2.10 mostly, though.

Hidden (ab1fea12)  
Drewski's avatar

Monkeymook wrote:

Really depends on what I'm listening to, and how I want it to sound, or what format it's in. XMPlay and Jam 2.10 mostly, though.

What's the Jam player? I've never heard of it. XMplay is good, personally I use Foobar2k

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Monkeymook's avatar

Drewski wrote:
Monkeymook wrote:

Really depends on what I'm listening to, and how I want it to sound, or what format it's in. XMPlay and Jam 2.10 mostly, though.
What's the Jam player? I've never heard of it. XMplay is good, personally I use Foobar2k

Jam is a free player with support for many Amiga and Atari tracker formats. Check it out here. I only use it for three reasons:

1. It has the ability to mute up to four channels in an audio file, depending on many channels there are.
2. It has excellent SNDH support, and there is no Winamp SNDH plugin available that doesn't cause XMPlay to crash.
3. It has the ability to let you edit the headers and tag information of audio files and modules.

I far prefer XMPlay over Fb2k, because there are so many plugins written for lots of old school formats. These plugins were written for Winamp, but XMPlay can fully use utilize those plugins. Fb2k crashes when attempting to use many of those plugins.

XMPlay also has about an 8MB memory footprint, but I won't start any memory usage wars here. 🙂

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paca997's avatar

Foobar for windows and MoC for Linux

Hidden (8ea3b885)  
atlas's avatar

Rhythmbox, but would migrate to Banshee if they got play counting correct.

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Frosty's avatar

I use iTunes because I own an iPhone and an iPod Nano.

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glh5's avatar

I used to use rhythmbox. It stopped working somehow though. Now I use Clementine. 🙂

atlas wrote:
Rhythmbox, but would migrate to Banshee if they got play counting correct.

If we're speaking about Last.fm here, Rhythmbox doesn't have the right playcount either. When you put a track on repeat and listen to it, say, 20 times, it registers only one play.

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