Deer Legs – Dogapede [2013] [Album]

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Album info
All writing done by Logan Voss, Zach Kalk, Cameron Grom, Ben West and Ryland Gomez. All recording, mixing and mastering by Lucas Haupt via FIREHOUSE STUDIOS. Vocals by Logan Voss, Zach Kalk and Cameron Grom. All drums recorded by Ben West. 6 and 7 string guitars recorded by Zach Kalk and Logan Voss. Bass guitar recorded by Cameron Grom. All saxophone recorded by Ryland Gomez. Album artwork credit to Hannah Swoboda. Special thanks to Brenda West and the West family for putting up with noise and typically quiet sunday mornings afternoons and nights

  1. Goin' Ham (Go in, Fam) (01:46)
  2. D.T.O (02:49)
  3. Tiny Gnomes Going to Work (04:25)
  4. Weakknights (04:54)
  5. 1000 Days (03:41)
  6. Panic Powder (00:27)
  7. Tristram (04:40)
  8. Warm Beer (05:04)
  9. Petey (04:29)
  10. Farkle Magic (05:34)

released 28 June 2013
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